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History of the "new" Holla church.

.............the present sacristy was built and at the same time a new window was inserted next to the pulpit.

    n 1930 Mrs Cappelen paid for a complete and much needed facelift of the church.

   olla church received a new bell in 1947 from Olsen Nauen in Tønsberg. It bears the following inscription:
     Anno 1947 cast for Holla church. Soli Deo Gloria;
     Blessed are those who live in Your house, they will always praise you
     Call us to God's love
     Call us in to the peace of Christ.

   olla commune gave a new organ to the church in 1953, something that was very necessary, for what is a church without sonorous and roaring organ music?

    n 1967 Holla church was 100 years old and came under the domain of the Norwegian Inspectorate of Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings. This gave the congregation again the opportunity to redecorate the church and the commune covered the cost of this. The work was done by the Lommerud brothers. The Cappelen family paid for three new stained glass windows, made by Finn Kraft who also was the consultant for the restoration. Holla Sparebank paid for two baroque-style chandeliers.

    n the latter half of the 1970s a grand piano was bought for the church, paid for by voluntary donations and a gift from Holla Sparebank.

    n the Autumn of 1990 the church council was sent suggestions for the redecoration of the church. It was the colour consultant Jorunn Wedel Jarlsberg at the invitation of Mrs Louise Capelen and in consultation with the authorities who did the work. The inspiration was to have the work finished for the 125th anniversary in 1992. At about the same time it was discovered that the floor of the church was rotten. The church council had no choice. Redecoration was desirable but the floor must be renewed. The commune undertook an estimate of the whole work and this was just in time. The government at that time were granting extra money for projects like this!

   ome commune applied for a grant towards the restoration project and the result was an award of kr.700,000 for the work!

   ow the way was clear for both projects. In August 1991 Jakob Knudsen was appointed as Kirkeverge (manager) in Nome and he has been a key person in the restoration project and since.

   he old cast iron lamps and chandeliers have been restored and now hang again in their rightful place in the church. The `Café' lights from the 1920s are back and are fixed to the outside walls of the galleries. The font now used was made for the church when it was new and after a long spell in the church loft was once again brought down into the church. Mrs Louise Cappelen paid for the carpet, and this harmonises well with the new colours. All in all, the church is much improved in it's new uniform: light and friendly, and inviting worship and joy in God.

   he church is set in large and peaceful grounds. The side facing the school is called `Fredvoll' and was intended to be a garden of rest, but instead was planted as a lawn. At the West there is a small wooded area of Silver Birch trees and this is a beauty spot. There is a memorial stone to those who died in the Second World War in this area, and this had previously stood outside the commune's offices. On the north side of the church lies the graveyard dating from the late 19th century, with its  beautiful big old trees. Opposite the east end of the church is the kindergarten with it's life and noise and between the two buildings is the road carrying traffic to and from the more populated areas of the town. The church is at the centre of everyday life, peace and quiet, with the Holla church standing in the middle.

   inking the present church to it's predecessor a mile away in the Holla forest are the font, timer, candlesticks and bell. On the latter is inscribed:   

     Anno 1611 was this bell cast.
     In God's glory to Holen church
     Dominus Providebit.
     M Francicus Voillard Gallus Me Fesit.
+ Christian IV's monogram and traditional symbols.

Ingeborg Aas Lindgren.Extract of history written for the church's 125th anniversary by Ingeborg Aas Lindgren.

(Translation from Norwegian by Christopher John Denton, - musical director of Holla parrish.)